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Вопросы по теме Великобритания


  1. Where is the United Kingdom sitnated?

  2. What ocean and seas are the British Isles washed by?

  3. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

  4. What is the population of the country?

  5. What is the capital of England (Scotland, Wales and Northern Island)?

  6. What is the United Kingdom’s flag?

  7. What is the climate like in Great Britain?

  1. Changeable

  2. Constant

  1. What kind of state is Great Britain?

  2. What are two oldest universities in England?

10) What cities of Great Britain do you know?

11) Into whish parts is London divided?

12) What places of interest do you know (in London)?

13) What is the home of Britain’s kinds and gueens?

14) Where are most of Government buildings situated?

15) How is the biggest clock bell in Britain called?

16) What can one see in Madam Tussand’s Museum?

17) What British writers do you know?

18) What houses does Parliament consist of?

19) What is the traditional British breakfast?

20) What is English national drink?

21) What is the most famous English airport?

22) What are most famous holidays?

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